there is no space for thinking


The installation has been inspired by a series of conceptual drawings, which are an answer to the deprivation of space needs by contemporary visual culture. Space is understood here as a factor necessary to focus, think, calmly reflect on what we are watching and what it means to us. This phenomenon is reflected in contemporary sound culture. The aim of site-specific installations is to adapt the environment in order to enable the viewer to contemplate - sound, image, and the idea contained in them. The installation can operate in a loop. Idea

Every building has to be an open public space where people can meet each other and share their thoughts. We started our project to show how sound and visual deprivation can affect on human being. As we start our project, we came with an idea of using building resonance to create ambient with wave interferences. As a basic tone, I measured the most resonant frequency for the Aula Nova building and create 30 minutes loop which is based on two mono signals that affect each other in the building. Installation is based on two high output subwoofers located in the corners of the building, connected to a dual mono audio interface. This makes it impossible for the recipient to find the sound source. Interferences in the building make some places soundless, but some of them are particularly noisy. The purpose of the installation is to show the sound pollution in our sound environment.


Instalacja inspirowana cyklem rysunków konceptualnych, stanowiących odpowiedź na deprywację potrzeby przestrzeni przez współczesną kulturę wizualną. Przestrzeń jest tutaj rozumiana jako czynnik niezbędny do skupienia, namysłu, spokojnego zastanowienia się nad tym co oglądamy i co to dla nas znaczy. Zjawisko to ma swoje odbicie we współczesnej kulturze dźwięku. Celem instalacji o charakterze site-specific, jest zaadaptowanie środowiska, w celu umożliwienia odbiorcy kontemplacji - dźwięku, obrazu, oraz zawartej w nich idei. Instalacja może funkcjonować w sposób ciągły.
